Chassis Control System Fault in Nissan Qashqai [Explained]


Modern cars are sometimes considered smarter than humans. Identifying error messages and stopping before it is too late should be possible for drivers. The Nissan Qashqai only displays “Warning System Fault” in the dashboard. What should you do?

You may see a warning system fault message as well as a specific pictogram or phrase when a fault has been detected in a system in your Qashqai. Decoding the pictogram provides clues to the problem’s cause. If the battery is low, the BCM has deteriorated, or a reset is necessary, the pictogram may change.

Nissan Qashqai

This article will discuss the following topics:

  1. Is there a problem with your Qashqai’s multiple warning system?
  2. How often do Qashqais have system problems?
  3. Would you mind telling me how to fix a certain Nissan car problem?
  4. When the Qashqai says “Warning System Fault”, is it safe to drive?

Qashqai warning system problems

Nissan Qashqai is a popular car in Europe and the UK despite its lack of reliability. This system’s thorough diagnostic system may detect a number of problems and provide hints about what is wrong. These warnings are generally easy to understand. “Warning System Fault” messages can mean many different things.

What is actually meant by “Warning” and “System Fault” can be found between the words. It is possible to use the word chassis instead of the word chassis, or it could be a pictogram, such as an arrow surrounding the letter A (stop-start system) or the term chassis instead of the term chassis.

Is it possible that different problems within the system still influence one another despite their location? Possibly two causes may be causing your computer to experience this problem:

  1. Batteries with low 12V: The dashboard may display a variety of errors and warning lights when the 12V battery is low or dying. Check the battery voltage under load instead of being misled and scared by it.
  2. Faulty BCM: A BCM is an electronic device that controls the body. You don’t need anything else other than it to operate your Qashqai. Whenever your computer crashes, you’ll see the message “System Fault”.

Hence, you may want to charge or replace the battery as well as reset the BCM if this is the case. You will learn how to do that later in this article. The mechanic or dealer shouldn’t charge you for this service, thank goodness.

However, this will not be effective if there is a constant warning message displayed on the Qashqai. If this occurs, it may mean that you need to pay attention to a certain system as it may be malfunctioning at the moment and require your attention.

How can I find out if the Qashqai is experiencing a System Fault?

A compact Japanese SUV can have several faults, each of which is indicated by a pictogram or phrase that provides details of the fault and how to fix it. Here are a few of the most common warning signs you may see, as well as the detailed explanations you can find in your vehicle’s manual.

1. Fault with a collision warning system and an emergency braking system

A malfunctioning emergency brake system or a collision warning system may cause two cars to collide in the pictogram above.

It is possible for a vehicle to keep track of its front even if there is snow or mud on its radar sensors. You may receive the same message after adjusting the front end of your vehicle and buying some parts that will improve the performance of the vehicle after you have tuned the front end. If your vehicle has a radar sensor in the front, you should not cover it with anything as it will interfere with the operation of your radar sensor, so you should keep your grille area in good condition.

2. Incompatibility with the chassis control system

There will be no pictogram in this case. Body control modules – BCMs – are usually the culprits behind this message. Electrical connections or software problems may be present. Something may be wrong with it. Replacing and reprogramming the BCM may be required if resetting does not work.

3. Fault in stop-start systems

Arrows are used to illustrate letter A. This is the third issue I’ve had with my battery, and it has to do with the temperature of the engine, as well as the settings of the climate control system.

You might be able to remove the message from your screen if you are unable to use the stop-start feature at the present time. You would then be able to re-enable the feature once the message you are seeing appears and you will then be able to clear it from your computer. There is also a possibility that this message may appear as a result of a battery issue. Because of this message, it is possible that the battery is not functioning properly. In the event of a sharp drop in voltage, a battery that has been significantly discharged can easily discharge completely as a result of the voltage suddenly dropping so much that the battery will be discharged completely.

4. Faults in key systems

While the message contains the word “Key,” you will see a key pictogram. The key fob or several other units may be the culprit for this error message. A proper diagnosis in the dealership will be needed if it is not about the key. In addition to reading the codes, they will explain why the dash display displays this message.

5. Failure of the 4WD system

According to this message, the ECU cannot implement 4WD despite the fact that all sensors indicate that it should. Some batteries may still be low, though. It’s important to fix a serious problem in the 4WD system sometimes, though.

Qashqai system faults: How can you fix them?

The issue can be handled in three ways. This article will show you the easiest (and cheapest) way to fix system fault error messages on your Qashqai before moving on to more expensive and complicated methods.

Qashqai system faults

1. Replace your battery or charge it

It is important to check the battery voltage. An automobile should operate at 12.5 volts in normal operation. In the first few minutes after starting the engine, you should see a higher voltage. Dropping voltage seems to be the norm, doesn’t it? Battery replacement may be necessary if the battery is very low.

Young batteries can be extended by using a good charger. Thus, your battery cannot fully charge because it does not have the capacity. The main cause of the problem may be your stop-start system constantly running in the city, which may cause this issue.

Depending on how long your car’s battery has been sitting there, it may have been dead for more than four years, or it may have been faulty for more than five years.

2. Perform a BCM reset

It is not the first option to try to replace the body control module because it is quite expensive. Your Qashqai may benefit from a reset.

Following are the simple steps you need to take:

  • The vehicle should be turned off.
  • A 12V battery can be found in the battery compartment.
  • Remove it first from the negative terminal and later from the positive terminal of the cable.
  • Ten minutes have passed.
  • Let the residual power run out by honking or turning on the light.
  • Positive terminal first, then negative terminal.
  • Ensure that the error messages have disappeared by starting the engine.

Both the ECU and BCM will be reset as a result of this action. In the event of glitches or other problems, it can handle them on its own. Also, it is important to keep in mind that once this process of restoring the factory settings in your vehicle is complete, all of the settings in your vehicle will be reset to their default positions, so you have to be prepared for that as well. As an example, there will not be preset stations available on the radio on your computer, similar to the radio in your car, and there will also be no automatic time setting on the clock on your computer, making it necessary for you to manually set it up yourself.

3. Consult a professional

As a result of multiple error messages and system faults, independent garages were unable to assist with the Qashqai. It is still advisable to visit Nissan dealers even though I personally associate them with being “too expensive”.

Using Nissan’s original scanners and software, they are able to provide the most accurate and painless diagnosis of any problem with any system. It is still necessary for you to find your way to an independent garage once you have had the diagnosis to make sure they are capable of fixing your car’s problem.

When your Nissan shows a “System Fault” message, can you drive?

Nissan shows a "System Fault"

It’s not always as dangerous as it seems when there is a system fault on the dash. When you encounter an accident on the roadside, you should usually keep driving and not stop the vehicle. Battery problems shouldn’t be stopped, since the engine may not restart afterward if you stop it.

When you see this chassis system fault message, you may have a malfunctioning body control module. Other messages do not mention any serious problems.

There are possible fatal problems that may occur if you ignore these messages or if you turn off an electrical component or control module in your vehicle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Chassis Control System in the Nissan Qashqai?

The Chassis Control System in the Nissan Qashqai is a complex network of mechanical components and electronic sensors designed to maintain vehicle stability and enhance the driving experience. It includes systems like the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Traction Control System (TCS), and Electronic Stability Program (ESP) among others. The system continuously monitors parameters such as wheel speed and steering angle to ensure optimal performance.

What does a “Chassis Control System Fault” warning mean?

A “Chassis Control System Fault” warning indicates that the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) has detected an anomaly within the chassis control system. This could stem from various issues, including faulty sensors, wiring problems, or software glitches. The warning serves as a prompt to have the system checked by a qualified technician.

What are common causes of chassis control system faults?

Common causes include:
Faulty Sensors: Sensors may degrade over time, providing incorrect data to the ECU.
Wiring Issues: Damaged wires or connectors can disrupt signal transmission.
Software Glitches: Bugs in the ECU software can lead to erratic behavior.
Calibration Errors: Improper calibration after maintenance can cause faults.
Voltage Problems: Weak batteries or faulty alternators can affect system performance.

How can I diagnose a chassis control system fault?

To diagnose a chassis control system fault, follow these steps:
Scan for Trouble Codes: Use an OBD-II scanner to read fault codes from the vehicle’s computer.
Visual Inspection: Check for visible damage to wires, sensors, and connections.
Sensor Testing: Individually test each sensor for accurate readings.
System Calibration: If components have been replaced, recalibrate sensors to ensure they relay correct data.

How can I prevent chassis control system faults?

Preventative measures include:
Regular maintenance and servicing according to manufacturer recommendations.
Performing routine inspections of electrical components and connections.
Addressing any warning lights or irregularities promptly.


In spite of the display of a system fault, it can still be driven on a Nissan Qashqai. You might have to adjust your driving style, but be careful. Understanding the specific messages that your Qashqai sends is also crucial to finding the fault.

There are a number of options that can be used to address the problem, including checking the battery, reseting the BCM, or even having the car inspected by the dealer. Are there any questions or comments you would like to share with us? It is a pleasure to receive your comments. Thank you very much.

About Alex Harper

Alex Harper is a seasoned automotive expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Passionate about cars and committed to sharing his knowledge, Alex combines technical expertise with a love for writing to create comprehensive and accessible car guides.

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