Your interest in writing for is greatly appreciated. The goal of our website is to inform our readers about cars through automotive news, technology, and lifestyle articles. It provides an opportunity for guest authors to share their knowledge and expertise with an audience that will find their perspective valuable.
Our editorial team will respond to you better if you follow the guidelines below. Please visit our advertisement page if you would like to inquire about advertising or request a media kit.
To Start
The list of topic titles and article summary should be submitted by the guest writer at least three times before writing the post. Our editorial staff does not accept articles stuffed with link-building tactics. Rather, we value articles that are in-depth and provide readers with real value.
- Your submission will not be processed if you call or email repeatedly.
- We are unable to reply to each submission personally due to the high volume.
The following topics are possible for guest submissions:
Current automotive news and events.
All aspects of car ownership are covered, including advice and insight.
The everyday car owner may be affected by new trends coming down the pipeline.
“Car talk” or “talking shop” is anything gearheads and enthusiasts discuss.
The Green Light Is Given To Guest Writers
Automoblog encourages writers to retain their individuality while adhering to Automoblog’s style and tone. Submissions should range between 800 and 3,000 words.
While not mandatory, guest submissions from reputable industry experts with at least two quotes are highly valued. A similar note should be made regarding all guest contributions, in which at least two other third-party links should be provided in support of the article. The work of other automotive organizations and/or government agencies on the topic at hand may be cited, such as in an article or news story, study or analysis.
Guest Author
In addition, guest authors are requested to include a brief bio along with 2 or 3 links at the end of their articles. It would be best if you included a link pointing to one of the social networking pages (Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn). It is possible to use the second line for a website link once the editor has approved it. There will be a no-follow attribute applied to links pointing to commercial homepages.
Visual Materials & Photos
In terms of copyright, all photographs and other visual aids are handled accordingly. As long as we have the right/permission to use the photos, it’s okay for guests to include them. Our guest authors can link back to infographics and other visual aids they have rights to.
If you have any query email at [email protected]