How Often to Change Synthetic Oil? 2024 Guide


To keep your Toyota running smoothly on Kennesaw roads, your vehicle’s engine needs oil. It is therefore imperative that you change your vehicle’s oil on a regular basis. What is the recommended frequency of oil changes? It is recommended to change the oil in most new Toyota vehicles every 7,500 miles or 10,000 miles, although some models may require a change every 5,000 miles. If you have any questions about your vehicle’s maintenance schedule, or about oil change frequency please reach out to our team.

What Is Synthetic Oil?

In most cases, a fully synthetic motor oil is made from crude (base) oil that has been carefully refined. This product provides engine protection superior to conventional or synthetic blended oils through enhanced refining methods and chemically enhanced friction modifiers.

The term “full-synthetic” is a marketing term because there are no standards for synthetic oil. As a result, there is no exact match between two brands.

The low viscosity of synthetic oil makes it a popular choice among automotive manufacturers. An engine powered by oil of low viscosity spins more easily, runs cooler and dissolves deposits caused by conventional oils that have become contaminated and oxidized. By doing this, the engine will perform better, reduce exhaust emissions, and remain cleaner for a longer period of time.

For vehicles requiring conventional motor oils, or those made before 1990, full-synthetic oils are not recommended. Alternatively, full synthetic oil can worsen engine seals and gaskets that are already failing due to neglect. Well-maintained engines seldom experience problems with full-synthetic oil.

What’s the difference between Synthetic vs Conventional oil?

difference between Synthetic vs Conventional oil

Crude oil is the starting point for both synthetic and conventional oil. Crude oil differs greatly from one type to another, however.

In accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, crude oil is categorized according to its density and sulfur content. To produce synthetic oil, high-quality crude oil undergoes a series of distillation processes to enhance its quality. In comparison with conventional motor oil, oil enriched with modern artificial additives offers superior engine protection.

While conventional oil is less expensive than synthetic oil, it degrades faster under extreme conditions.

What is the life expectancy of synthetic oil?

In order for oil to break down, various factors must be taken into consideration. When oil degrades, it ceases to protect parts from wear and tear, whether it is inside your engine or in a bottle on your shelf. It is recommended to change the motor oil once each year, no matter how far the vehicle has driven.

According to the manufacturer, an oil bottle with a sealed lid can last between two and five years. In addition to these factors, the oil’s storage temperature also plays a role.

It is strongly recommended you don’t use an opened bottle of oil until you are 100% certain there was no dust, debris, or moisture inside.  If you top off a contaminated engine with synthetic oil, you will end up paying more for engine repairs than the synthetic oil cost. Make sure hazardous wastes or oil are recycled responsibly.

When Should You Change Your Synthetic Oil?

Change Your Synthetic Oil

Oils can last between 10,000 and 15,000 miles under “normal” driving conditions. Under these extreme conditions, you should change your oil as follows:

Short trips

It is impossible to burn moisture and impurities from oil if you commute less than 10 miles a day. Oil needs to be changed every six months or 5,000 miles, whichever comes first.


Motor oil’s protective properties are diminished in areas that experience extreme temperature swings between zero degrees in the winter and 100 degrees in the summer. After 5,000 miles, it is recommended to change the oil before and after winter and summer.

Conditions that make driving difficult

  • When driving on high-speed highways, change the oil every six months or every 6,000 miles.
  • Changing your oil and checking your air filter every 3,000 miles while driving on dusty, gravel, sandy, or salty roads is a good idea.
  • Maintain a clean engine oil for three months if you drive low speeds for long distances.
  • Changing the oil every 4,000 miles, or once every four months, is the best choice if you have a vehicle that is constantly stopped and started.
  • Oil changes every four months, or 4,000 miles if you’re towing a trailer.

Please remember that whenever in doubt, it is always best to follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule or even earlier. When the oil life monitor shows that the oil is at 25%, you should definitely change the oil.

How much does it cost to change synthetic oil?

Synthetic oil is more expensive than conventional oil due to the high cost of quality base oil as well as the high price of refinery and additive processes.

Compared to a conventional oil change, a full-synthetic oil change costs $65 to $125, which equates to a savings of $35 to $75. Oil filters need to be replaced as part of this process. The price of oil changes is often discounted at many repair shops. Coupons and promotions can be found online.

Does conventional oil mix with synthetic oil?

The general rule is that you should not mix the different types of oils, especially the different refinements of the oils, such as synthetics and conventional, together as this might lead to a chemical reaction. The Oxmoor Toyota service center or your local Clarksville mechanic is your next stop if you’re in a hurry and need oil for your vehicle.

About Alex Harper

Alex Harper is a seasoned automotive expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Passionate about cars and committed to sharing his knowledge, Alex combines technical expertise with a love for writing to create comprehensive and accessible car guides.

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